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NP800R Range – Digital protective relays for the retrofit

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NP800R Range – Digital protective relays for the retrofit

Retrofitting Range of 700 & 7000 series Relays

NP800R range: Digital protective relays for the retrofit in place of static relays, developed to replace the 700 & 7000 Series of CEE relays in the same modular boxes. 

Deeply concerned by its customer demand of reducing maintenance costs, ICE has developed a compatible version with CEE “R case” which is a standard in the protection field. Hundreds of thousands relays can therefore be refurbished at a minimum cost as they have identical dimensions and almost full wiring compatibility. 

While optimising renovation costs, the NP800R range provides security and safety for the resumption of operations:

  • Reduced installation down time
  • Identical wiring and terminals
  • No mechanical modification
  • Board diagrams retained
  • Control of risks for old equipment
  • Existing ringcores are retained
  • Progressive retrofit suited to all budgets

The R case series of the protective relays NP800R matches with most of the functionalities in the industrial field:

  • Generator protection
  • Feeder protection
  • Transformer protection
  • Rotating machine protectionj
  • Directional or not overcurrent protection
  • Frequency and voltage protection
  • Power protection
  • Synchro-Check

Products available:

NP800R relays range CEE 'R' cases equivalences
NPI800R  ITG series 5-6 / ITG7000 - ITG7100 / ITT7610 / RMS700 / RMS7900 - RMST7900
NPID800R  RMSD7921 / ITD7xx1
NPIH800R  RMS711
NPIHD800R  RMSD7912 / ITD7xx2
NPU800R  TTG7000 - TTG7100 / TTGd7x12 / TMS700 -TMS7000 / HDG7020
NPUH800R  TMS714 / TTG7xx4
NPM800R  IMM7900 / ITM7000
NPW800R  WTG7000
NPG800R  GMS7001 - GMSH7001 - GMSV7001
NPSC800R  STS7041


Resumed table, consult us for further information.

Product family: 
Renovation of 700 & 7000 Series Relays

NP800 - NP800R RANGE


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